I have been exploring, working with different materials, trying to understand how they move and it it suits my visions. I normally work with fabric's and I can see that it suits me but I want to explore fabric's from a different perspective what that is I am not sure as yet. I have started to play with resin by making Brooches to try and learn how to use it as well as understand the best way to apply it to my ideas....................... Loads to learn:-)
Quilting Mafia
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Thursday, 5 May 2016
New brooche in town
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Friday, 19 February 2016
William and rain
It's been a long time, far to long.
I have just finished a workshop gig at William Morris Gallery, which I really enjoyed, it did run over time but that's because I was really getting into it and didn't take note of the time. I was given a lift to the station by a fellow artist who was also working on the event but in another room, we chewed the fat for a short while then I jumped out the car. As I was about to run to the station my stomach started to talk to me and of course I had to heed its voice, so I diverted to a corner shop not thinking whether I had any money luckly I found a pound and purchased a packet of crisps... Mmm very nurtrise but I tell you this it helped. I boarded the tube, found a seat and settled down waiting for my stop, in front of me was a lovely women and her child, all seem well so I thought, how wrong was I. The young child looked sleepy and rested her head on her mother's shoulder. Like a flash she leaned forward and vomited, I managed to move my feet out of the way before the vomit hit the ground. I felt so sorry for the child but also glad that I didn't get hit by the projectile. I hope the both got home safe. It's the worse thing ever when your child is sick but being out with them and they are sick their is a sense of helpless you feel and I saw that in the mothers eyes. I hope they are both OK.
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Sue Hotchkis
Artist Statement
I am an artist with a passion for texture, surface and space. I create unique printed and stitched abstract pieces.
I gain inspiration wherever I travel; this is often found in the insignificant and overlooked. I’m particularly drawn to man-made objects that have been distressed by the passage of time. As in the Japanese aesthetic wabi-sabi, I treasure the imperfections found in the natural changes that occur in such things as weathered walls, rusting metal or peeling paint
I aim to create fragment like pieces that realize these aesthetic qualities, challenging perceptions of beauty in our surroundings. Where rotting wood can become a multifaceted surface of overlapping threads or mould a lacelike intricate print. Crumbling walls are transformed into the tactile and beautiful.
Initially I study the photographs I’ve taken of a specific place or object. Then I work with its qualities, colour, form, texture and composition, creating hand dyed and screen printed images onto fabric. These fabrics are then either left as they are or they may be manipulated, torn, ripped, layered and further worked on with stitch by hand and machine. I work intuitively responding to what develops; pieces are often constructed only to be deconstructed. The pieces evolve over time and the process can take weeks or often months.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
As i lie awake
As i lie awake I ponder the world and wot my part in it is, is this world a “lie” are we feed lies to keep us hungry!
If you would like to take part in the exhibition please feel free to contact me or just send me your jpegs to eoniri@yahoo.co.uk